Friday, September 30, 2011

Welcome Baby Bryson!

Bryson Roger Pulsipher was born on Wednesday September 28th, 2011 at 3:00pm. Coming in at a whopping 8 Pounds and 11 Ounces and 22 Inches long! :) He is the most handsome little guy, takes after his daddy. They really do look so much alike! He is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I'm amazed at the amount of love I have for him already!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Belly Pictures!

So i'm not a huge fan of showing off my gigantic belly but this weekend I was able to make another trip to Evanston to see my family. So me and my mom figured we should have some pictures just to show Bryson in the future. We actually had tons of fun trying things! It was nice to be able to bond like that with my mom. So I kinda have a funky belly button going on but even with that we were able to get some good ones. So excuse the massive size and funny looking belly button but here are some of the better ones.

I can't believe here in just a few more weeks I'll be taking pictures of my little boy! :) this has been such a wonderful experience but I am so excited to not be pregnant anymore and be able to hold and see my baby! :)